Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
Pelvic pain and incontinence can affect every aspect of a woman’s life, from her physical wellbeing to her emotional health. Our compassionate therapists understand the challenges associated with pelvic conditions. They specialize in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions and have received specific training in pelvic floor anatomy and conditions.
Pelvic health physical therapists are ideal health professionals to treat pelvic muscle dysfunctions, as they have been trained to assess the musculoskeletal system and determine a treatment plan.
Pelvic Conditions We Treat
Working closely with their patients’ physicians, our pelvic health therapists provide quality care during the evaluation and treatment of:
- Pelvic pain during and after pregnancy
- Pain during intercourse
- Interstitial cystitis
- Endometriosis
- Pain after hysterectomy and other abdominal surgeries
- Muscle spasms
- Joint laxity
- Urinary and fecal incontinence
- Early or low-grade organ prolapse
Next Steps
Talk with your doctor to see if physical therapy could be the right option for you. A doctor's referral for physical therapy is required.
Questions? Contact the Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation clinic at 540.316.2680.